Desayunos con Club de Marketing
El pasado 4 de febrero estuvimos disfrutando junto a otras 150 personas de las ponencias de Adriana Hoyos, Senior Fellow de Harvard University y Santiago Alfonso, Director de Marketing en COSENTINO en un Desayuno con el Club de Marketing en uno de los salones del Hotel Barceló Málaga
Sergio Goncharoff de OjosRojos Marketing ha hecho este vídeo estupendo.
LOS PONENTES : Adriana Hoyos
Adriana Hoyos is a Senior Fellow at Harvard University and a Strategy Consultant. Her work interests relate to digital economics, crowd economy, technology and economic growth, the future of society, PPPs, governance, international development, financial innovation, market access, public policy and education.
Her research and consulting work focus on the intersection between economy and technology, both in the private sector and in public policy.
Prior to joining Harvard, she served as CEO of Women’s World Banking (Co.), and worked for several years in the Colombian government, promoting financial and economic development, as Senior Adviser to the Presidency of Colombia, and as Economic Attaché at the Colombian Embassy in Spain.
Her experience in politics includes working in various Presidential Campaigns, serving as Foreign Policy Advisor at Mitt Romney’s; Senior Advisor to Marco Rubio’s; Policy Director for Alvaro Uribe’s and Advisor at Andres Pastrana’s Campaigns.
She has been actively involved in the debates and procedures regarding investment, digital and entrepreneurship regulations, such as the «JOBS Act» in the US Congress (2012) and the «Entrepreneurship Law» in the Spanish Parliament (2015).
Her research work includes writing a series of case studies, papers and consulting documents on entrepreneurial and political strategy, as replicable models at a global scale.
She holds a B.S. in Economics and a B.A. in Business Administration from University of los Andes; a Postgraduate Degree in Auditing from ICADE; and Postgraduate Studies in Buddhism from Stanford University.
Adriana has taught at Universities such as Harvard, IESE, and University of los Andes. She has also served in different boards of directors, advisory boards and expert panels, including MIT Technology Review Global Panel, Ashoka, Mentor Foundation, Katerva, Technoserve and Women’s World Banking. Adriana is also an Aspen Institute Alumni.
She has been a speaker at various conferences, including: WEF -Davos, CGI, Socap, Women’s World Banking, UN and diverse global government agencies and top Universities.
Santiago Alfonso – Marketing Director at Cosentino Group
Licenciado en Derecho y Máster en Alta Dirección de Empresas por el Instituto San Telmo, Santiago Alfonso entró en Cosentino en 1990 y diseñó la estrategia de lanzamiento de la marca Silestone® by Cosentino. Entre las responsabilidades previas desempeñadas dentro de la compañía figuran también la Dirección Comercial y la Dirección de Exportaciones. Reconocido conferenciante de temas relacionados con el marketing y la internacionalización de empresas en varias universidades españolas, Santiago Alfonso ha participado en numerosos congresos y eventos, y representa a Grupo Cosentino en el Foro de Marcas Renombradas Españolas (FMRE), de cuya Junta Directiva es vocal. Además, recientemente ha sido nombrado Vicepresidente de la Asociación de Mobiliario de Cocina (AMC), y ha liderado la creación del Club de Marketing de Almería, entidad de la que es Presidente.
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